On 26th September, we were delighted once again to team up with Macmillan cancer support in their annual coffee morning fundraiser.

Macmillan is a charity that adds immense value to so many people battling with cancer and undergoing treatments. Therefore, it was our privilege to do what we can to support the vital work they undertake.

The organisation outlined that 3 million people living in UK have been diagnosed with cancer and forecasted that by 2030 that will have increased to 4 million, further evidencing the severity of cancer and the essential need for their services.

Macmillan raise money to provide vital cancer services, research and campaign to achieve better cancer care, and support the cancer workforce. An aim is to help everyone with cancer in any way they can by providing physical, financial and emotional support, to enable them to live life to the fullest.

This is Somerville Fit-Out’s 7th year hosting our very own company Macmillan coffee morning aiming to raise funds for the services they offer.

This year, we raised over £500, reinforcing our support and commitment to the charity, the vital services they offer, and the contributions needed to sustain the essential work provided.

It was a fantastic day with staff coming together from the various departments and locations. Plenty of catchup’s were had, and an opportunity to meet new team members and get to know others better. Thanks to all our staff for generously providing baked cakes and buns for the event!