Somerville Fit-Out marks their support and commitment to World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day was established in 1992 by the World Federation for Mental Health to promote mental health and wellbeing conversation and reduce the stigma of self-disclosing personal issues.
World Mental Health Day is marked annually on 10th October and the theme for this year is workplace mental health. This highlights the importance of recognising mental health and well-being of employees in the workplace for the benefit of the people and the work environment.
At Somerville Fit-Out, our workplace comprises on-site, workshop, and in-office employees, therefore it is vital to have measures in place to directly improve the mental health and wellbeing of each employee within their working environment.
The Mental Health Foundation stated that “15% of UK workers are estimated to have an existing mental health condition”, asserting the severity of the issue at hand and the importance of implementing workplace measures to promote positive employee wellbeing and mental health.
If you do come across someone struggling within the workplace with their mental health, start a simple conversation, asking if they are okay and actively listen to what they have to say.
Within the workplace, look out for signs that a colleague may be struggling and show your support before it festers further. Trust your instincts, if something feels off it probably is.
Finally, encourage healthy habits which can improve mental health and wellbeing. Have an awareness of contacts available to signpost an employee in the correct direction if they do need further help.
At Somerville Fit-Out, we have trained mental health ambassadors in the team, who can identify the signs, chat with you about any issues work-related or not and get you the help that you may require.
We spend a lot of our time in the workplace; therefore, it is important we recognise the benefits of working as a team, satisfaction within our work, and collaboration. It is important to recognise the unconscious negative impacts that can follow, and work on reducing and alleviating these to boost staff wellbeing and improve mental health, for employee and company benefit.
For more information and to see available resources visit: The lighthouse website
Somerville Fit-Out Ltd are in receipt of Selective Financial Assistance grant for SFA - Capital July 2018 from Invest NI. This project is part funded by European Regional Development fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020.
The funding enabled us to procure essential machinery to develop our manufacturing output, and continue delivering quality furniture to our clients.